Medieval village of Canale

Medieval village of Canale

38060, Tenno, TN


Canale is a village that is part of the municipality of Tenno, in Trentino. Located halfway between the lake and the Alps, it was abandoned after the war, and then it found a second life thanks to a flourishing artistic activity.
Listed among the most beautiful villages of Italy, it is a small medieval jewel, where time has stopped. In the centre of the small village, everything speaks of the time that was: the small squares, the narrow alleys, the stone houses, the arches, the arcades and the paved alleys. In the heart of the village, there is the House of the Artists entitled to the painter Giacomo Vittone, a space full of charm that welcomes the masters and highlights their art works. During the year, there are exhibitions, courses and conferences and its rooms offer hospitality to artists from all over Europe.

Starting from the nearby lake you can reach Canale in two ways: through a walk of about 30 minutes in the middle of the woods or by a convenient shuttle leaving from the parking lot. The duration of the visit is variable, but - excluding the House of the Artists – it does not take more than 20-30 minutes.

Another strong point of this medieval village is the landscape: from its 570 meters high top, you can enjoy a truly enchanting view of Lake Garda, but you can also decide to reach the nearby Lake Tenno, a small landscape jewel of Trentino. Lake Tenno has always conquered everyone with its intense turquoise waters and its central islet, which can be reached with a pleasant swim. The village of Canale is also known for its events, always much appreciated. 

In the summer season in fact, Rustico Medioevo takes place, a historic event that involves tourists and residents with historical re-enactments, dances, shows, street art and typical cuisine.

There is no shortage of activities also during the Christmas period, when the houses of the inhabitants open and become home to the Christmas markets. In this suggestive atmosphere, even banquets offer small treasures: in fact, here you can buy local products and typical handicrafts, which you cannot find elsewhere.

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38060, Tenno, TN

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